Today seemed a bit crazy but I guess every monday is. Kayla is always extra tired on mondays and today was no exception. Today she was holding my hand while walking with me to the bedroom. She pulled away from me which caused her to fall right in to the door jam of the bathroom which resulted in a beautiful bruise on her forehead. Why do I feel so guilty because I'm not sure what I could have done differently since I certainly didn't expect her to pull away like that. I ran errands all morning and feel as if nothing got accomplished that I felt needed to be done. Greg seemed extra tired this evening too but by the time we all got to bed it was 10:30pm. I woke up unable to sleep shortly after falling asleep so here I am blogging so you can read this boring post!
This weeks schedule includes childbirth classes, Dr. appts, church responsibilities, Kayla's playgroup day as well as hopefully a night out for Greg and I to celebrate our anniversary. I feel as if I am ready to pop but I still have a couple months to go!
Here is a picture of the beginning of construction of our homesite. We have purchased a manufactured home and it appears that we will be moving it onto our 10 acre property at the beginning of may.
Hope everyone is having a nice spring this year!
Wow - spam is faster than I am.
Give Kayla's owie a kiss from me! And congratulations on the house!
Yes, this spam is getting very annoying : )
I haven't seen your spam stuff. That's too bad.
Sorry about Kayla's owie.
Your property looks great! Can't wait to see more pictures when your home gets set up!
another spam showed up this morning and I quickly deleted it. I am very irritated about it. I'm wondering if other people have had problems with it on their blog sites.
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