Friday, May 23, 2008

Since my last post a lot has happened

Well, since my last post life has been pretty busy. My week has been incredibly busy and doesn't stop with the weekend since people from church are giving me a baby shower tomorrow! We are so blessed.
Kayla is doing fairly good with her toddler bed and I only lost sleep one or maybe two nights. I had to get all her toys put away where she couldn't get to them with the exception of a few books and a few stuffed animals. I knew if all her toys were accessible there was no way she would ever go to sleep : ). She fell asleep on the floor one night but every other night has climbed into bed to fall asleep after spending just a short time sitting by the baby gate that leads to the hall (and us). The first night was tough and she got really upset even though we tried to make the transition as easy as possible. I think she is enjoying the set up now though.
Wednessday our cat had a reaction or possibly an overdose to a new flea and tick medicine I used on her. I treated her on tuesday and she was still fine wed. morning but by wed. evening (after the vet clinic was closed) I found her in a completely neurotic state. Her eyes were dilated, she was panting and having major muscle spasms. Before I could get a hold of the local vet I got a hold of my friend who is a vet so I did as much self treating as possible but she continued to get worse. Finally the local vet called and I took her in and left her at the vet hospital for a night of IV's etc. We really didn't think she would live because by the time I arrived at the vet she looked pretty bad and was even starting to have seizures. However early the next morning they called to tell us she pulled through and was just fine. A very expensive vet bill later we have her home again and she seems to be at 100%. From now on I'll only treat her with medicine I know she isn't sensetive to.
It seems I am getting little to nothing accomplished in getting ready for this baby that is going to be here before I am ready. Tonight we had to install childproof locks on our TV armoire so Kayla couldn't open doors and drawers and get into any more trouble. When we were done she came in the room and immediately tried opening the doors so she could see the TV and when it wouldn't open she said "Ooouh" with a big sigh. I told her we weren' t going to watch TV so she needed to find something else to do and she turned around and started playing and jumping around as if that was just fine as long as she knew that was the plan!

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