Thursday, May 1, 2008

productive and tiring week

This week had been quite busy. Monday the morning and half of the afternoon was spent at the hospital and Dr. office having tests done. Monday evening Greg, his mom, Kayla and I went to the site of our new M. home and assessed the priorities so we could make arrangements and get things going for getting it moved. Greg's mom left tuesday morning and his brother, Stephen, arrived early afternoon on tuesday. We went to the property and got the horse trailer etc. so we could continue to do the necessary projects this week even while Greg was at work. The horse have learned to open a gate in the pasture so we tied that shut so they couldn't turn the water on again. Wed. Greg's mom came back down and helped out by watching Kayla and mopping floors and doing dishes for me while Stephen and I went back to the property and did some more fencing. In the afternoon I stayed home while Kayla napped and Greg's mom and Stephen headed for the M. home and took off all the skirting. I made phone calls and set some appts. for discconnecting the AC unit etc. while I put my feet up in hopes of reducing some of the swelling and hopefully encouraging Eric to turn to the head down position. Greg got home early and when the deskirting crew got home the trailer was loaded up again with stuff that has to go from the house here out to the property. I slaved to fix dinner by putting a frozen lazagna and some bread in the oven : ). After dinner Greg and Stephen continued to work while Euner and I took care of dishes and gave Kayla a bath and got her to bed. What a day it was but we did get a lot done. Today I am beat!
Kayla has made it known that even if I am not prepared she is ready for potty training so we will be starting that today. keeping diapers on her isn't working anymore as she knows when its time to go potty and removes her diaper so she can go : ). Other than that all I plan to do during the day today is make a few more phone calls to get quotes on jobs needing done and maybe some light cleaning but definitely I'll be doing some exercises reccomended to help breech babies turn.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Busy Busy.. sounds like things are coming along nicely though. Hope those exercises work and Eric can turn around in there.