Here is a picture of Baby Eric taken today! Isn't he cute : ).
He was very active during the scan making it difficult to get good still pictures but showing his healthy happy self.
The one thing that wasn't perfect was his breech position! They informed me that by this time he should not be breech. It is still possible for him to turn and I will be starting exercises in hopes of helping him turn but if he doesn't turn it is looking like a C section which I DO not want! Maybe if I stand on my head everyday he'll turn over : )
After the ultrasound we had a non stress test to see how he was handling all my contractions etc. His heartrate was around 140 most of the time which is good. He seemed fine through my contractions but I only had about 2 mild contractions while I was there and there have been many days that I have had a lot stronger and longer lasting contractions than I had today but Oh well. I also had some pretty significant swelling in my legs, feet and fingers and the nurses really wanted to see that be reduced. Hopefully not being as busy tomorrow will help that some.
Anyways that is our update so now its time for me to get some sleep. Kayla is feeling better and I imagine she'll be up bright and early ready to play before I'm ready to get up tomorrow morning but its nice to see her feeling so much better.