Tuesday, December 8, 2009

trip to Arizona

In November we took a trip to Arizona. Greg had to work til the day before thanksgiving so I took my cousins daughter, Sarah to help me with the trip. I am having trouble getting pictures loaded but here are a few of the trip. Holliday traveled well in the horse trailer and spent some time with the vet in Arizona getting dental work done in addition to having some cancer spots removed and having a lameness exam to assess his lameness that has bothered him (or me) off and on over the last few years.

Here Kayla is pretending to be a queen early one morning on our 3 day trip. I think this was taken before daylight.

Eric had lots of fun with all his second cousins and relatifves thanksgiving day

Of course Grace was with us and earned a reputation for having a long active tongue

As you can see Eric had lots and lots of fun the whole time. This was taken at Grandad and Grandmas house.

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