Wednesday, September 9, 2009

fun fall stuff

Kayla adores her cousin, Michael. Here they are watching a movie together.
Alyssa is riding her new friend, Holliday. She's doing a great job.

Eric thinks its lots of fun now that his cousins live close by. Sarah spends as much time as possible at our place.

As always Eric loves to ride.

Kayla started gymnastics. Her tumbling and jumping class has been great fun for her.

I have been trying to update this blog for a week or more but for some reason I keep having technical difficulties. Hopefully this works.
Eric got the results from the upper GI and flex sig etc. tests that were done in July. Nothing much showed up but they think he has food allergies. We saw another GI Dr. last week and the reccomendation was to keep him on a restricted diet until he is two and see a pediatric allergist. They also did some more tests but we haven't gotten results. On a strict diet he is doing well. He has really grown up this past few months. Today at playgroup he climbed into the chair at the table and completed a craft just like the big kids.
I sprained my ankle and have been wearing a brace and going to Physical therapy for about a month. I also had to have some emergency dental work done and will continue going to the dentist for a couple months (not fun).
My cousin, Beth and her family moved here in August and they are living in our old house. Its great to have them here.
Greg has had long hours at work lately and it seems like we have hardly seen each other but I guess it has helped us pay for emergency vehicle repairs that have come up.
We hope you are doing well and will try to update more frequently.

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