For those who don't know Eric is scheduled to have 2 procedures done early tomorrow morning. The procedures are under heavy sedation and are an upper GI and a Lower GI and biopsies of the small and large intestine as well as some bloodwork etc. in order to run tests in search of Erics protein intolerance problem.
Eric does not tolerate protein in any form we have tried except breastmilk. My milk dried up completely a few months ago but Eric has continued on donor breastmilk from the milkbank and was doing great until we started introducing more solids. Once we figured out he was not tolerating protein foods the Dr.s had us try different milk proteins in order to keep him on some sort of protein once he is off the donor milk which should have been at 1yr (in June). So for the past 4 months we have been trying one formula after another including soy based formula's, hypoallergenic formulas with broken down proteins, goats milk etc. etc. etc. Nothing has worked and now we are still on donor milk at 4.25per ounce and he is semitolerating Neocate which is an elemental medical food often used for tubefeeding. Eric is doing great developementally and in every other way. Please pray that his procedure goes well and that the GI Dr. will be able to help us figure out what his problem with digestion is. And pray that we will be more informed to understand the whole picture of his allergies to other things as well.
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