Eric Franklin Johnson was born on June 4th 2008 at 1:45 Pm via C section. He weighed 7lb 5oz and was 19 1/2" long.
I don't have lots of time so I'll give more details later but Eric was taken by ambulance to Citizens hospital NICU in Victoria just hours after his birth because of breathing difficulties. He is still in NICU and has been on lots of machines and had lots of tests. Greg and I are staying in Victoria with Eric and Kayla is staying home with her Grandma Johnson and Grandad Goodall and Grandma Julia. We'll update more later as we can but for now Eric is stable and I am now out of the hospital in Cuero where I had to stay until yesterday and recovering well but a big incision with staples slows me down considerably. Please keep us and Eric in your prayers. We anticipate about a week in NICU if all goes well before getting to bring our little Eric home with us.
Oh, Linda, he is just beautiful! CONGRATULATIONS!! I pray all goes well with your recovery and Eric's NICU stay. Sorry you had to have a C-sec though. I can't wait to hear more details.
Hey Johnson Family!!!
We are SOOOOOO happy for ya'll. Eric is the spitting image of his daddy! :) We are praying for Eric as he grows big and strong in the NICU. Keep us updated!
Jon, Jennifer, Hannah, and Jaycie
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