Friday, June 27, 2008

ENT appt

Its 4:30 am and I am going back to bed in a moment but in case I don't get a chance to blog later today I wanted to put a short note here about the Ear nose and throat Dr. appt we went to today.

Eric had a good report and passed the hearing test with no problems. He will be tested again in 6 months just as a precaution since he was on antibiotics at birth.

Kayla loved the Dr. which amazed me and I really liked him too. She even sat on his lap after he looked in her ears and probed around! Anyways as I suspected she needs tubes placed in her ears. He also wants to remove her adenoids so that surgery is scheduled for July 7th. Keep us in your prayers as we move foreward with this next medical neccessity.

The best part of the day was using the gift card Greg got from his work as a doorprize from a work party. It was an Olive Garden gift card and I took my friend, Rachel there for lunch since she got a babysitter for her kids so she could come with me and help me take Kayla and Eric to their appt. I couldn't have done it alone that is for sure!

The worse part of the day was Greg having a flat tire on his way to join us for lunch at Olive Garden. We got him some lunch to go from there but he had to eat it later since changing the tire took up his lunch period and he had to return to work instead of joining us.

My dad and his wife Julia and her 2 Grandsons arrived tonight and will be with us for a few days so that will be fun. Kayla was very excited to see them.

So our week is ending busy like it began. The picture was taken of Eric monday when we helped out briefly at VBS. The VBS theme is Outrigger island so his outfit is supposed to match the tropical theme. Tomorrow we plan to take Julias Grandsons to VBS so we'll close out the week where we started it and after its over I'll be taking Eric to his primary care physician again to check weight etc.

Thanks for all your continued prayer and support


Amy said...

Eric is so handsome.

Are you guys in your new house yet?

I'll be praying for Kayla and her surgery.

Sheree said...

Oh is he cute! Wish I could hold him!