Friday, December 14, 2007

It is harder to keep this blog updated than I thought it would be. I feel as if our life activities aren't really that interesting to people but I have been getting emails asking for an update so here it goes.
We had our Christmas musical at church sunday and it turned out so well. We all really enjoyed being a part of it and it was a special day for us as we looked out into the congregation and saw a larger group of people than normal all sitting in beautiful brand new pews. God is so good!
I am nearing the 14 week mark in my pregnancy now. Some days I have less morning sickness than others and I do think it is getting less and less all the time but it is still there. I am starting to really feel pregnant. I still haven't decorated for Christmas or done the small amount of baking that I want to do. I can't even seem to get my dishes done! Hopefully today I will make great progress in getting the house cleaned because I have set aside most of the day just for that.
Greg continues to work long hours and we all seem to be exhausted by the time he gets home. Kayla has been going to bed at 7pm and some days like today is still asleep at 8am. She plays hard during the day. She is talking more and more each day. She loves to go outside and play and she has an amazing ability to find water! Her favorite activity at the park playground is to pick up gravel and put it in a cup or even better her friends Tonka dumptruck. She still loves bracelets but she also loves to be a tomboy. Animals seem to be one of her favorite things right now. Yesterday we took our big fuzzy dirty dog, Chuwy, to the groomer to have his hair shaved. The groomer wasn't able to fit all 120lbs of him into her sink so she shaved him and I brought him home and bathed him. It took up the whole day for me but it was all worth it because now I don't mind him being in the house as much. Kayla is so excited to be able to crawl all over him and I'm glad that she isn't getting dirty when she does so. Our other dog, Oscar, felt rather left out and has been bouncing around like a pingpong ball.
We hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season. It is still possible that we might get some Christmas cards out before Christmas but if not you might expect one before the New year. Maybe.

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