Thursday, September 22, 2011

early fall 2011

Time for an update. We have been busy with homeschool, homeschool groups, horseshows, our animals and getting ready for our baby girl who is due November 14th! We are very excited about our growing family and while we wait we are enjoying watching Kayla and Eric grow up and learn new things. Kayla is now in Kindergarten and loves homeschool. Eric is also loving "school" he is all over the place and is all boy : ). They both love horses but Eric seems to really be driven to horses and still hates having to end his time with them when its time to stop riding. Kayla is all about the horseshows and can pretty much control her own pony at the show now. Horseshow in August. Kayla and Eric did great and love the horseshows.

He's gonna fill these boots one day : ). Can't get this picture to rotate sorry.

Kayla just loves Willie our new pony! He is so sweet and meets us for hugs and attention when we go outside.