Thursday, August 28, 2008

Two special kids going night night

Kayla loves to hold her brother and she loves to lay with him at bedtime. This picture was taken tonight, I don't know why it turned out with such poor quality but I thought I'd share it. Kayla and Eric really adore each other it is really precious.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Erics good report today

Eric saw the cardiologist today and came away with a good report. There is nothing to worry about as far as his heart is concerned. When he is a year old he will return for another echocardiogram to assure that the hole in his heart has closed properly. He was so cute and had the nurses and the Dr. laughing. They said most babies don't like the sticky things they use to put little testers on them. They are pretty much just thick tape. Anyways they thought he was going to cry when they pulled them off but instead he smiled and laughed. Then the Dr. came in and looked at him and said "Well little boy, you sure are growing good" or something like that and Eric smiled with his whole body and everytime the Dr. made eye contact he would just grin as big as could be. The Dr. said he couldn't get over how happy he was.

Then since I was in Victoria and Kayla was hanging out at the babysitters I did some errands I needed to do. Eric was super good all day and never fussed at all.

Kayla was good all day too and she is really starting to tell little storys etc. When I was driving her to the babysitters this morning she was in her carseat singing. Happy Birthday to me. But it sounded more like this "Bappy BeeDee meeeeeee" over and over again. For those that haven't got to see her recently you better come visit her soon or she'll be all grown up before you know it. Eric uses a large ball for some therapy exercises. Kayla immediately figured out that when mommy has the piano bench moved away from the piano that she can use the ball as a place to sit and play.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Kayla's 2 year old Birthday party

Isn't half the fun of a birthday helping with cleanup of the birthday cake decorating process?
Kayla loved her Lego/Duplo cake. Mommy doesn't know if she ever wants to make another one : )
Really cool present from Kayla's Uncle Gordon, Aunt Lee Ann, cousins Abby and Frank
More cool presents. This is a Lego/Duplo Block o dile that eats the legos
Grandma Johnson found the truly entertaining and quiet gift. This is magnetic and you can draw on it or play with the magnetic letters and on the back it has a chalkboard. Then it closes and buckles and looks like a suitcase for traveling.

Kayla says thankyou to everyone who mailed her presents too. She opened them on her actual birthday on August 4th. Tonight was a Johnson family birthday party and what a fun night it was. The gummy legos that are left can become potty training incentives.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oscars Tribute

Some of you know that on June 6th 2008 we had to say goodbye to our family dog Oscar. Greg got him shortly before we got married, I think he was 5 months old when we got married. A lot was happening in June and we were just getting out of the hospital in Cuero and ready to head to Victoria to be with Eric in NICU when in all the confusion Oscar got out into the road and hit and killed by a car. We really miss him now and things seem a little empty without him so I thought I'd post some pictures of him here.
I know I have more good (better) pictures of him but these are ones I was able to find quickly.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kayla with the horses

Kayla has many opportunities to develop a love for horses. We let her decide how much she wants to be around them and when we take care of them she loves to help feed them etc. When Sarah was here we brought a couple horses to the house. Kayla rode her pony "Zach" around the yard less than two times as happy as can be but then that was enough for her. She didn't want to ride again the whole time we had him here. She had fun leading him but had just let go of him to go do something else when this picture was snapped. Then when we offered to let her ride Cheyenne she was very excited and had lots of fun on Cheyenne. Maybe she is smart and just wants to ride the big horses. LOL. I figured I should share some pics of her on Zach and Cheyenne so just do me a favor and look at the horses and the kid and pretend I'm not in the pictures. : )

Monday, August 11, 2008

Our cute kids

Aren't our kids cute? Ok I guess the mommy in me is taking off but I am really having fun with both of my kids right now. Eric has started smiling consistently and responsively and oh how my heart melts when he smiles at me : ). We changed his formula this week and even though he only takes about 4-6oz of formula a day to make up for the tiny bit of breastmilk shortage what a difference the new formula makes. He is so much happier now and is sleeping much better. In fact almost immediately after starting the different formula he started sleeping 3-5 hour stretches at night. That is much better than the 2 hour stretches or less. The picture on the left was taken by Sarah when she visited in the outfit she gave him. The other picture is showing off the cute blanket and hat that His Aunt Beth knitted for him. He was wearing matching booties too but they just didn't make the picture.

Kayla decided she wanted some time being the "baby" too so she watched a movie laying in Erics bouncer with his pacifier today. She is really growing up though and is talking better every day. She adores her brother and has learned to take extra good care of him. Today she offered him his pacifier and he refused it so she decided she better feed him just like mommy does but when she lifted her shirt to feed him I figured I'd better find her another way to take care of him : )

Sunday, August 3, 2008

August is already here WOW!

I can't beleive August is already here. Tomorrow Kayla will be 2yrs old and Eric will be 2 months old. What a joy they are to us! Kayla continues to amuse us with her growing sense of humor and imagination. Eric is so sweet and cuddly and is starting to smile at us.

In the pictures you can catch a glimpse of one of Kayla's naptime adventures. I think I took this picture on thursay 3 days ago. When I left Kayla for her nap she was tucked into her toddler bed fully dressed with her doll next to her. I went back to check on her a few minutes later after I had heard no noise and found her mostly undressed (except for her oh so adorable wranglers) and apparently she decided to powder herself before falling into a deep sleep on top of her changing table. Sheesh her mommy keeps praying she will never roll in her sleep because who knows how high in the air she will be when she falls asleep. I fully expect to find her hanging from the ceiling fan someday.

This picture of Eric was taken shortly after I cleaned Kayla up and put her back in bed. Isn't his paddinton bear quilt cute? This is his oh so serious look. He doesn't really like to be put down much but is getting better about it everyday. He keeps mommy busy and Daddy too. Kayla loves him so much and checks on him often through the day.

We aren't planning to do much for Kayla's birthday until we move into our new house. We might have a small family party (cake and punch) either tomorrow or saturday so stay tuned for pictures.