Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It has been a week since I posted anything and I keep thinking I'll get our Thanksgiving pictures onto the computer and I planned to post some pictures but instead I'll just say that we had a great Thanksgiving with the Johnson family. Kayla had fun entertaining everyone and she really had fun playing with her cousins new puppy. She didn't get to join the rest of us in a game that afternoon but she did really enjoy all the good food. The love of rolls that my family (The Goodall/Dickey family) has grown to expect during holiday dinners is now becoming a favorite in Greg's family too. My rolls may not be as good as my mom's rolls were but my nephew, Frank, makes sure to assure me that they are an important part of our meal. I'm glad because I can't imagine not having them. We ate about 60 rolls between the 9 of us! (we'll all have to be good between now and Christmas so we can eat rolls again).
I am 11 weeks pregnant now and according to my reading material the baby is now the size of a plum. I thought I could report that my morning sickness had gone away but I'm afraid that isn't completely true. I am feeling better than I was and Kayla having the stomach flu was no help so maybe now that we are over that things will improve.
I'll try to get pictures posted soon so keep checking, I'll try no to go so long between posts.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We are thankful for each and every one of you. We hope your Thanksgiving is a day filled with blessings and good memories.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

9 1/2 weeks pregnant

Well this morning was our Dr. appt for both the pregnancy and Kayla's 15 month exam. Kayla is doing great and only needed one shot which was nice. I am also doing good other than a lot of morning sickness so the Dr. gave me a prescription for phenergan so hopefully I'll become more useful again and won't just lay in bed trying to survive all day each day. I had hoped to hear a heartbeat which is possible this early but I guess it is still too early. Dr. said in 3weeks he's pretty sure we'll hear it then. Baby has reflexes now and is breathing amniotic fluid into and out of the lungs. Even though only about the size of a grape, arms and legs are free moving and elbows alow baby to suck a thumb even at this age. I can't wait til next visit when we hope to hear the heartbeat. Thanks to all who have been praying for us. We love each and every one of you.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Kayla looks like a little Morgan horse in this one
She's having fun being horse for a night
Last night we let Kayla dress up in her halloween costume that she couldn't wear on Halloween because she was sick. We went across the street and let her play in the grass. She had so much fun. She did everything but whinnie (lol). People driving by wondered what kind of animal we were playing with out there. We thought this was a cute costume of course. But the little girl wearing it is the cutest!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Kayla is training her pony

Whew! Today I am feeling MUCH better than I have in a few days. I have been incredibly sick and I honestly can't decide how much of it is morning sickness and how much is a stomach bug combined with a cold. Kayla is doing much better also and our sores have almost healed. I'm so glad we got started on good medicine. Kayla is jabbering constantly now I wish I could interpret her stories because I'm sure they are quite interesting : ). Last night Greg was good Daddy and took Kayla to the ball field to play with her dodge ball. Kayla had so much fun, mostly running from fence to fence but she did throw the ball a time or two. I thought all that running and playing would help her go to sleep early but that didn't happen. Poor Kayla has quite the yeast rash from all the antibiotics she is on and that kept her awake for a while. I was still not feeling so good but I did manage to get enough energy to make chicken and rice soup. Kayla has gotten quite spoiled with all the pudding, yogurt and other sweet treats she gets to eat her medicine in so she didn't eat much soup, But Greg and I did.

It amazes me that we are in week 8 of the pregnancy now. Our little baby has elbows now and has functioning kidneys. I don't have another Dr. appt for the pregnancy until the 15th and most likely I will have an early ultrasound done soon after that. We won't find out sex yet but we will be able to get good measurements to check on babys health etc.

We are in the month of thanksgiving and we have so many things to thank the Lord for and we want all of you to know that we Thank God for giving us friends like you.

Take care we'll be back soon.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The drama continues! My energy level is low right now maybe because of the headcold that I was gifted with or maybe because I have spent so much time at the Dr. office and taking care of Kayla but anyways the long story made short is:
I called the Dr. yesterday because Kaylas sores were multiplying and I was concerned. I asked if the culture results were in and was told that the preliminary results were but not the final results. They told me the Dr. would call in a prescription topical for Kayla. I went today to pick it up and what I got were two prescriptions for me of oral bactrim that the Dr. had told me I couldn't take at this stage of pregnancy. I was confused so I went straight to the Dr. office. I ended up seeing the PA not as an appt but just as she was between rooms and she saw me there and asked how I was. (I felt bad to bother her but I was desperate and she said she didn't mind). She looked at Kaylas sores and agreed with me that they looked just like ringworm. She called the pharmacy and told them that the medicine I had just picked up was a mistake and asked the phamacy if I could return them. They said I couldn't return them and told her they only cost $8 and anyone could afford that. (The PA wasn't impressed with that attitude). She gave Kayla an oral medicine as well as a topical and also gave me a topical that is safe for pregnancy. The walmart pharmacy didn't have the oral medicine for Kayla but another pharmacy in town had it so I was glad about that just exhausted and not feeling well and I didn't want to deal with it today. Greg was a great help. I arranged to miss sunday school and church tomorrow because I don't want to spread ringworm. This is like a nightmare! Hopefully vitamins, hot lemon water and oranges will help my cold since I can't take anything for it. Kayla is feeling good and has shown us some of her new climbing moves today. I'm not as excited about them as she is. Her balance is amazing I know I couldn't stand on the back of the couch the way she does but my heart gets weaker everytime I see it. The last time I caught her trying it she saw me and quicly slid down (that alone is scary to watch) as she ran to the other end of the room she said "no no no no no no no" Please pray that her ringworm spots heal quickly with the new medicine. Her smile still melts my heart so even in the midst of sickness my days are filled with Joy and excitement.

Before anyone panics the miniblind cord is safely out of reach now : )

Friday, November 2, 2007

Kayla came out of her sickness FULL THROTTLE! She is running, climbing, talking and jabbering. Her sense of humor is back and you can't even tell she is the same child that just layed around miserable for two days. She is willing to take her medicine when I mix it with pudding. I tried giving her last nights medicine in Jello and, well lets just say that we went straight to the bathtub without knowing how much she actually ingested. We won't even talk about my floor and ME!
I am absolutely exhausted! I feel like I haven't slept in weeks but I have slept well. My sores seem to be healing which is making them itch even worse but at least they are shrinking. I remember being tired in the early stages of pregnancy with Kayla but I had forgotten how drained I really was. Hopefully today will bring some rest and I'll feel refreshed and ready to go again tomorrow.